

Kvalitets- og miljøstyringssertifisering, ISO 9001/14001

Coromatics ISO-sertifisering er viktig for oss da det viser hvor opptatt vi er av kvalitet på våre produkter, løsninger og tjenester. Vi anser kvalitet som en grunnleggende komponent i verdien våre kunder får fra Coromatic.

Coromatic jobber kontinuerlig for å nå målene for høy kundetilfredshet, å levere førsteklasses produkter, løsninger og tjenester. Coromatic innser at markedet er den drivende kraften bak alt vi gjør og fører derfor effektive forretningsprosesser som gir merverdi for våre kunder.


Coromatic Group er stolte over vår ISO-sertifisering

Coromatics ledelse har ansvar for å fastsette mål og fullmakter for å kontinuerlig forbedre kvalitet og kundetilfredshet i henhold til ISO-sertifiseringene. Alle medarbeidere i Coromatic bidrar til kontinuerlig forbedring som en integrert del av kvalitetsstyringssystemet.

Intertek ISO-logo 14001


Coromatic sin miljøpolicy understøttes av selskapets globale miljøstyringssystem. Dette er grunnlaget for virksomhetens innsats for å oppnå resultater i samsvar med bærekraftig lederskap, og sikrer et sterkt fokus på beskyttelse av miljøet. Dette skal gjelde alle våre forretningsaktiviteter globalt.

The Coromatic CFOPS Framework

At Coromatic, we strive to attract and retain the Best People in the industry by being an Attractive Employer. With our CFOPS Framework training and certification program we offer our employees an opportunity to improve their skills and expertise within Operations Management and to build network across the Nordics.



The CFOPS Framework training covers topics within:

  • Theory and exercises in Critical Facilities Operations Framework
  • Facilities Management practices in line with EN 15221
  • ITIL® Fundamentals
  • EN 50600
  • Uptime Institute® Operational Sustainability

On completion of the training course and a written exam, a personal CFOPS Framework training certificate is issued to participating employees. The training course includes a visit to a customer site and home study exercises.

The CFOPS Framework training has been running since 2015, and more than 40 Coromatic employees have been trained and certified since start. 7 employees are currently attending the training program in Norway.


The Open Compute Project (OCP)

The Open Compute Project (OCP) is an organization that shares designs of data center products and best practices among companies, including Facebook, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Google, Microsoft, Seagate Technology, Dell, Rackspace, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, Lenovo and Alibaba Group.

OCP offers a platform for openly sharing intellectual property and encourage the IT-industry to evolve, like open projects in the software industry. Coromatic has been a member of OCP since May 2018, and the Coromatic CFOPS Framework has been approved as the official OCP CFOPS Framework. It is useful as recommended best practice for the OCP Facility Recognition Program for colocation operators.

Coromatic has created the CFOPS Framework for quality control and operation of Data Centers and other Business-critical Infrastructure. The program has been donated to Open Compute Project (OCP) and is free to use to increase the quality of operations in Mission Critical Facilities.

Would you like to know more about our CFOPS Framework?

Please contact us on if you would like to know more about our CFOPS Framework.